About Drewbie's Book Reviews

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Thursday, March 1, 2012

A Husband After God's Own Heart

A Husband After God's Own Heart
12 Things That Really Matter in Your Marriage
by Jim George

     Jim George takes us through 12 Chapters that will guide you into being a better husband.  These 12 chapters are:
1. Growing in the Lord - Why it's important to spend time with God every day.
2. Working as a Team - Why and how to work as a team with your wife.
3. Learning to Communicate - How to talk to your wife verbally and non-verbally.
4. Enjoying Intimacy - You already know what this chapter is about.
5. Managing Your Money - Why and how to be involved financially.
6. Keeping Up Your Home - Why it's important to keep up your home and property.
7. Raising Your Children - Why it's important to be involved with your children's lives.
8. Extending Love to Family - Why it's important to get to know and be involved with your own and your       wife's family.
9. Tending Your Career - How to have a good work ethic and why it is good to work but not work too much.
10. Making Time For Fun - Everybody needs a little down time.
11. Serving the Lord - Why we should help others out.
12. Reaching Out to Others - Share your faith.

     Every Chapter in this book challenged  me in some way.  I wasn't spending time with God each day, was focused just on my hobbies, and was just depressed a lot of the time.  Now I do my devotions just about every day and I don't wasted so much time on my hobbies.  I feel depressed only every so often compared to half of the time before.  Every one of these 12 things is a christian aspect of our lives.  They are things we do when we put our selfish thoughts aside and live for God.
     Jim George writes in a very practical writing style.  He doesn't use words that most people would need a dictionary for.  This is the first book I've read by Jim George and it won't be the last.

Plot - No plot other than your own life you apply to what you read - NA
Character Development - Your the character - NA
Writing Style - Practical, perfect for this type of book - A
Emotions - Change of lifestyle and more love for your wife - A
Overall - Excellent book for any man who is or plans to get married - A

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